


2 Quick Tips To Have Quality Kitchen Storage Cabinets

When remodeling a part of your residential property, you should always think about long-term use. Thus, the quality definitely comes in above anything else. If you’re concerned about the style, there’s really no need to give up either one of the two elements, because you can have both in one remodel.

Speaking about quality–this is crucial when choosing storage cabinets for your kitchen. Why are we talking about cabinets again? Well, don’t you think it’s the best solution to keep your busy and tool-filled kitchen clutter-free and organized? Then, you must already know the answer to why.

So much of the functionality, cabinets also come into popularity because they grow in various styles and colors as time passes by and they even get advanced technologically. Hence, when you are thinking of a specific theme or look, such as modern or traditional, you can be certain that there’s a cabinet fitting to the overall beauty of your kitchen.

Now, function and style are the two must-think-about elements when installing cabinets as part of your kitchen remodeling project. But there’s one more critical element–the quality.

Non-durable cabinets will only give you further problems, so make sure to get quality ones that will be with as you make more memories with your loved ones.

It wouldn’t be an easy task to spot what’s a high-quality cabinet and what’s not. You shouldn’t let yourself be swayed by the luxurious appearance or the expensive price. To help you get started, here are quick tips to have quality kitchen storage cabinets:

1. Expert assistance

This may not be your first choice or you are opting for the “DIY (do-it-yourself) concept.” But just in case you’ll be having trouble along the process, and would consider getting help from remodeling experts or cabinet suppliers.

What usually happens when you work on your kitchen cabinet project alongside with some experienced people? They will help you put into life the ideas you have in mind or how you imagined your kitchen would look like. In other words, they will hear you out and can fully understand your preferences and the details you want for your cabinets.

They can give you a comprehensive selection of door styles appropriate for your theme, as well as long-lasting materials that can endure the extreme hustle and bustle in the kitchen daily.

Moreover, hiring a professional is cost-effective because you’ll be a lot surer to do the job right the first time than doing it yourself unless you’re a cabinet expert yourself. Also, you surely don’t want the hassle of installing cabinets over and over again.

2. Know what to check first when visiting a cabinet supplier

Have you decided to visit a cabinet supplier or kitchen remodeler near you? That’s very wise of you. This way you can check their cabinet display closely. What to look at first to identify if they offer quality products?

Look at the finish when you’re checking stained cabinets. If it has cloudy touches, it’s not the best choice. For white-painted cabinets, ask the supplier how many coats they applied and the brand of the paint used.

The outside edges of a cabinet should be smooth, so as the inside. It doesn’t have to be very smooth, but shouldn’t be rough either.

Don’t forget to check on the joints and slides of the drawers and cabinet doors by opening and closing them.

Shortly, quality would also mean long-lasting usage of kitchen storage cabinets. So, make sure to write “quality” in bold letters on your checklist.

Alexandria Kitchen & Bath Studio
1502 King Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314