


Bathroom Renovation: 3 Major Questions To Ask

Don’t you think it’s time to give your old bathroom a new look and feel? You can go for a spa-like and relaxing ambiance, a simple and clean look, or a luxurious and refreshing environment. It’s all up to you.

Yes, a bathroom renovation is a daunting work, especially if you aim for a 360-degree transformation. In this case, you may need an expert hand, a thorough renovation plan, and serious budgeting.

Yet, the process should be something you can enjoy and look forward to. You can expect to encounter troubles along the way, but as long as you have a firm goal and good help, you can also expect a great fruit of labor in the end.

Here you are, very willing and ready to turn your bathroom into a most loved space in the house–you must have lots of questions in mind. You might be thinking how and where to start or is it a wise decision to seek help from a remodeling firm.

It is actually good to stir up those questions and list them up because you can use them as a reference when starting your bathroom renovation plan.

Yet, to lend you a little help, here are some major questions when you are finally deciding to have a bathroom renovation:

1. What should you do to have enough storage?

Adequate bathroom storage is more necessary than you think. It is the best solution to keep the space organized and pleasant. Also, a storage plan is very much applicable to any bath size. So, there’s no reason to take it for granted.

Yet, the question now is “how to build enough storage for your bathroom essentials and tools?” Creativity is key. Under-Sink storage, a cabinet above the toilet, and a mirror-cabinet are just some of the innovative ideas you can consider. For your towels, you can install bars on the bathroom door.

2. Do you really need to have both a tub and a shower?

The spatial capacity is in question here. If your bathroom offers an enormous space and can accommodate lots of elements, you definitely should enjoy the luxury of having a separate bathtub and a shower cubicle. But, if it’s just an average or a small-sized bath, you should think again. A restricting feeling in your own home is strictly prohibited.

Thus, you need to choose what to give up. Should it be the tub or the shower? Besides, you can look forward to the advantage of having an added space.

3. What type of flooring should you use?

A home should be a family’s safe haven. Hence, choosing the right flooring should not be taken lightly unless you want your bathroom to be a disaster area. The best considerations are anti-slip flooring materials since extreme wetness and moisture is experienced most of the time. If you don’t want to sacrifice style, there are lots of anti-slip tiles, non-slip vinyl floors, etc. that come in various design selections you can choose from. If you’re still unsure of your choice, you can always consult an expert remodeling firm near you.

Asking questions in the midst of planning your bathroom renovation is one the best strategies to arrive with an ideal draft. So, ask every question you have in mind, even it may sound like nonsense.

Alexandria Kitchen & Bath Studio
1502 King Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314