


How To Choose Your Kitchen Cabinets

Your cabinets play a vital role in keeping your kitchen clutter-free and organized all the time. No wonder every homeowner wants to make the most out of it by maximizing the space and choosing the right set of cabinets.

Thus, it is quite helpful to have an expert remodeler by your side once you’re in the midst of finalizing the style, layout, design, and materials of your kitchen cabinets. The task can be a little daunting, but you should keep your patience because the end result would be very delightful. As you keep your patience, you can look through some of these steps on where to begin when making your choice for your kitchen cabinets:

1. Look out for your kitchen cabinet doors. What’s the first thing you see in a cabinet mounted in some people’s kitchen? It’s the door, yes!

As it is the most visible part, you have to streamline your pick for a door style carefully. Also, it should complement the overall theme of your kitchen. Say, for example, you are planning to have a modern kitchen remodel. Then, you should opt for more minimalist and flat-paneled cabinet doors, and maybe choose among the shades of grays, whites, cream,s. Etc.

2. Stock, custom, semi-custom cabinets? You actually have a broad selection for the built of your cabinets. You can purchase what’s available in the store. You can customize it and give it your own touch, or you can have semi-customized where you purchase a stock and just modify it. These choices are just perfect for the various needs, lifestyles and preferences of thousands of customers.

3. Visit a kitchen remodeler or kitchen cabinets supplier near you.

Nothing is more reliable than to see actual samples of cabinet styles. You might want to spare a little of your time and drop by a reputable kitchen remodeler or supplier near your area. At the same time, you can ask for a consultation to know the available style and finish options as well as the price estimate.

Is it your first time to contact a remodeler or supplier? You can look for reputable ones online and just make sure to look up their reviews. Or, you can ask some friends or relatives for recommendations.

4. Don’t compromise the function of your cabinets.

The style is important, so as for function and aesthetics. Besides, you are opting for kitchen cabinets to organize the space. But you don’t have to worry. No need to sacrifice style to achieve greater functionality or either way.

The first thing to consider when planning the function of your cabinets is the availability of space and the flow you want in your kitchen. You also have to consider the type of items to put in a certain storage. Should you install cabinets under the sink? You can also put drawers above it.

Isn’t it more convenient to have cabinets above your refrigerator? It’s all up to you. Every home–every kitchen needs storage.

And the best solution for it is to have adequate cabinets. Start planning your kitchen cabinets and make sure to do it wisely.

Alexandria Kitchen & Bath Studio
1502 King Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314